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Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year Begins with Agreement Glitches

It is a New Year, but we seem to have the same old grammar issues as last year. Here is an example from a photo caption in The Birmingham News this week:

The Knit Wit knitting group celebrates Christmas and say farewell to (a person) who is returning to India in early January.

GROUP is the subject of this sentence, but whoever wrote it does not seem to know whether to treat that word as singular or plural. The first verb CELEBRATES is singular, but the second verb SAY is plural.

Unfortunately, a writer cannot have it both ways. When a GROUP does something together, all acting as one, the verb should be singular. The sentence should read as follows:

The Knit Wit knitting group celebrates Christmas and says farewell to (a member) who is returning to India in early January.

Happy New Year, Everyone! Let's try to make it a green year and one with fewer grammar glitches.

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