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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Do NOT use an apostrophe to create a plural word!

I'm not sure where this bad habit started, but I seem to be crusading against it. I received a letter last week with this statement in it:

On behalf of the planning committee and the attendee's we thank you for your help with this conference.

An apostrophe is used to show possession or contraction (the attendee's embarrassment...the attendees' registration forms). It is NOT used before an "s" when making a word plural.

The above sentence should have read as follows:

On behalf of the planning committee and the attendees, we thank you for your help with this conference.

NOTE: I also placed a comma after "attendees" because the introductory phrase (coming before the subject "we") is nine words long.

Have a great week, everybody, and may all your apostrophes land in the right places!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing this communication system.