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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

WSJ Gets Caught on Subject/Verb Agreement

Today's "gotcha" grammar glitch is from a recent "Tech Blog" entry in the Wall Street Journal. In an interesting article about the role of jargon in a lawsuit, Ben Worthen created this sentence:

Amazingly, the meaning of these buzzwords are at the heart of a claim seeking more than $100 million.

Whoops! Here we go AGAIN! The subject of Ben's sentence is "meaning," which is singular. The verb should be "is." The prepositional phrase "of the buzzwords" does NOT affect the relationship between the subject and the verb.

Ben should have written:

Amazingly, the meaning of these buzzwords is at the heart of a claim seeking more than $100 million.

It is easy to make this mistake, but the careful writer proofreads and spots the error before someone else does.

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